Tuesday, August 31st, Homework

Students should complete the following for Tuesday's homework:
1. Read 20 minutes
2. Practice words for Friday's Spelling Test
*Reminder: Students do not need to turn in any Spelling pages to me (as was communicated in the letter that went home Monday. They should just be practicing in a way that is helpful to them.*
3. Math Lesson 2-1 "Additional Practice" page - 2 sides
**Please note that homework is meant for additional practice to support what we are learning at school. Students should try their best, but I also understand that they might make mistakes. We will use class time to clarify misunderstandings and provide additional practice before they take any assessments.
Additional Reminders
  • Please send an extra mask with your child to school each day.
  • Please make sure your child brings a water bottle, healthy nut-free snack, and a lunch to school each day.
  • If your child is feeling sick, please be sure to keep him/her home. We will work with you to help make up any work. Thank you for helping keep our school community healthy.
  • Spelling Test = Friday