Please subscribe to my web page!

I want to welcome you to fifth grade. I am looking forward to meeting you and working with your child this year. 

I utilize my classroom web page daily. You will find homework postings, links to online resources, study guide attachments and more. Additionally, each weekend, I will post my learning objectives for the week as well as give you a heads up on any tests or quizzes that are coming up in the near future. To subscribe to my page:

* Visit

* Click on "Parents" at the very top

* Click on "Classroom Pages" on the right

* Click on my name on the left side

* On the right, click "Subscribe"

* Enter your information

Then, please be sure to subscribe to Mrs. Ruden's and Mrs. Plascencia’s web pages as well. Your child will have classes with both of them as well, and we will all post our homework on our respective web pages. 

Each evening around 6pm, an email will be pushed out to you with the homework post for the day.  If you do not want to wait for the 6pm email, please just visit my web page after 2:30 to view any homework.  As always, your child should be using their assignment notebook, and my web page should only be used as a back up.

I look forward to a great year!