St. Joseph Catholic School

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Ms. Jennifer Bubis » HOME


My name is Ms. Bubis, and I am the fifth grade reading, language arts, and religion teacher at St. Joseph Catholic School. This is my sixth year at St. Joe's and my 22nd year teaching.  Prior to teaching at St. Joe's, I spent eight years at St. Paul of the Cross School in Park Ridge teaching language arts – the first four years in seventh grade and the last four years in sixth grade. I began my teaching career at St. John Brebeuf School in Niles where I taught computer class to students in grades kindergarten through eighth. I am a 2003 graduate of Northeastern Illinois University where I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in elementary education with an endorsement in both language arts and social studies.
In my free time, I enjoy reading, traveling, being outdoors, and spending time with family and friends. I love palm trees and vacation in places that have them whenever possible. I enjoy watching and attending Blackhawks games and am a die-hard White Sox fan.


Week at a Glance: December 11-15

Week of December 11 (*Some objectives are subject to change based on students’ needs.)


  • Make text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections for the various characters in Wonder
  • Complete the last Wonder word journal for “The Fifth Grade Nature Retreat” - Appendix
  • Accurately complete a vocabulary by association table for “The Fifth Grade Nature Retreat” – Appendix by making connections between the vocabulary words for these chapters and the characters in the book
  • Show understanding of the events in “The Fifth Grade Nature Retreat” - Appendix with good class discussion

Language Arts: 

  • Continue practicing Daily Oral Language (DOL) skills
  • Complete the weekly grammar spiral review worksheet daily at the beginning of L.A.
  • Students will begin writing their own personal narrative draft
  • Show comprehension of Week 13 spelling words (words with unusual spellings)


  • Continue filling out daily entries in personal Jesse Tree Advent booklets
  • Show understanding of Unit 2 Session 6 with correct answers on the review guide
  • Show understanding of Unit 2 Session 6 with correct answers on the quiz (scheduled for Thursday, December 14)
  • Miss Nelson will be teaching scripture during class on Friday and will be discussing the Mass readings for the weekend.

Friday, December 8

  • L.A.: No homework
  • Reading: No homework
  • Religion: Gratitude journal; Unit 2 Session 6 review guide due Monday (*Students had 40 minutes of class time yesterday to work on this.); quiz Thursday
  • *Many students are low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school on Monday.
  • Both fifth grade homerooms will be shopping at Santa's Secret Shop on Tuesday.
  • Food pantry collection Thursday: Chef Boyardee 
    • *The pantry is also in need of pancake mix, syrup, and canned corn.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.

Thursday, December 7

  • L.A.: Spelling packet and games due tomorrow; spelling test tomorrow
  • Reading: Vocab. quiz tomorrow on the words from "Olivia's Brother" - "After the Show"
  • Religion: Gratitude journal; Days 5 & 6 of Jesse Tree Advent Book due tomorrow; Unit 2 Session 6 review guide due Monday (*Students had the entire 40-minute class period to work on both of these.)
  • *Many students are low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school tomorrow.
  • Both fifth grade homerooms will be shopping at Santa's Secret Shop on Tuesday.
  • Food pantry collection Thursday: Chef Boyardee 
    • *The pantry is also in need of pancake mix, syrup, and canned corn.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.

Wednesday, December 6

  • L.A.: Spelling packet and games due Friday; spelling test Friday
  • Reading: Vocab. quiz Friday on the words from "Olivia's Brother - "After the Show;" "Olivia's Brother - "After the Show" questions due tomorrow (*Students had 25 minutes of class time to work on this.)
  • Religion: Gratitude journal; Days 3 & 4 of Jesse Tree Advent Book due tomorrow (*Students had about 20 minutes of class time to work on this.)
  • *Many students are running low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school tomorrow.
  • Food pantry collection next Thursday, December 14: Chef Boyardee 
    • *The pantry is also in need of pancake mix, syrup, and canned corn.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.

Tuesday, December 5

  • L.A.: Spelling packet and games due Friday; spelling test Friday
  • Reading: Vocab. quiz Friday on the words from "Olivia's Brother - "After the Show;" read p. 244-248 in Wonder, and add words to vocab. by assoc. (5B only)
  • Religion: Gratitude journal; Days 1 & 2 of Jesse Tree Advent Book due tomorrow (*Students had about 20 minutes of class time yesterday to work on this.)
  • *Many students are running low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school tomorrow.
  • Food pantry collection next Thursday, December 14: Chef Boyardee 
    • *The pantry is also in need of pancake mix, syrup, and canned corn.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.

Monday, December 4

  • L.A.: Spelling packet and games due Friday; spelling test Friday
  • Reading: Vocab. quiz Friday on the words from "Olivia's Brother - "After the Show;" read p. 226-234 in Wonder, and add words to vocab. by assoc. (if you were absent and didn't do so in class)
  • Religion: Gratitude journal; Days 1 & 2 of Jesse Tree Advent Book due Wednesday (*Students had about 20 minutes of class time to work on this.)
  • *Many students are running low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school tomorrow.
  • Food pantry collection next Thursday, December 14: Chef Boyardee
    • *The pantry is also in need of pancake mix, syrup, and canned corn.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.

Week at a Glance: December 4-8

Week of December 4 (*Some objectives are subject to change based on students’ needs.)


  • Make text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections for the various characters in Wonder
  • Show comprehension of “Olivia’s Brother” - “After the Show” with correct answers to comprehension questions 
  • Show understanding of the vocabulary words from “Olivia’s Brother” - “After the Show”  with correct answers on the vocabulary quiz (scheduled for Friday, December 8)
  • Learn the vocabulary words from “The Fifth Grade Nature Retreat” - Appendix

Language Arts: 

  • Continue practicing Daily Oral Language (DOL) skills 
  • Complete the weekly grammar spiral review worksheet daily at the beginning of L.A.
  • Continue writing practice narrative
  • Choose a topic for personal narrative and begin drafting
  • Show comprehension of Week 12 spelling words (words with -ize, -ance, -ence, -ist)


  • Continue filling out daily entries in personal Jesse Tree booklets, which will be made in class
  • Show understanding of Unit 2 Session 6 with correct answers on the review guide
  • Miss Nelson will be teaching scripture during class on Friday and will be discussing the Mass readings for the weekend.

Friday, December 1

  • L.A.: No homework
  • Reading: Vocab. quiz next Friday, December 8, on the words from "Olivia's Brother" - "After the Show"
  • Religion: Gratitude journal; Living Stones of the Church worksheet due Monday 
  • *Many students are running low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school on Monday.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.

Thursday, November 30

  • L.A.: Spelling packet and games due Friday; spelling test Friday
    • The weekly spiral review worksheet is now a daily, in-class activity.
  • Reading: No homework
  • Religion: Gratitude journal; Unit 1 Session 5 quiz corrections due tomorrow (if applicable); Living Stones of the Church worksheet due Monday 
  • *Many students are running low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school tomorrow.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.

Wednesday, November 29

  • L.A.: Spelling packet and games due Friday; spelling test Friday
    • The weekly spiral review worksheet is now a daily, in-class activity.
  • Reading: Read p. 193-199 in Wonder, and add words to vocab. by assoc.
  • Religion: Gratitude journal; Living Stones of the Church worksheet due Monday (*Students had about 10 minutes of class time to work on this with the people at their table, and most are almost finished.)
  • *Many students are running low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • Wear your P.E. uniform to school tomorrow.
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school tomorrow.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.

Tuesday, November 28

  • L.A.: Spelling packet and games due Friday; spelling test Friday
    • The weekly spiral review worksheet is now a daily, in-class activity.
  • Reading: "Olivia's Brother" - "After the Show" word journal due tomorrow (*Students had class time yesterday and today to work on this.)
  • Religion: Gratitude journal 
  • *Many students are running low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • Wear your P.E. uniform to school tomorrow.
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school tomorrow.
  • The Dankelsons will be here tomorrow.  If you'd like to order a copy of Peter's book, How I Learned to Rock My Life, please bring your order form and money in tomorrow.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.

Monday, November 27

  • L.A.: Storyworks questions due tomorrow (*Students had class time last Monday and today to work on these.); spelling packet and games due Friday; spelling test Friday
    • The weekly spiral review worksheet is now a daily, in-class activity.
  • Reading: "The Call" - "The Boyfriend" mini-project due tomorrow (*Students had class time last Monday, Tuesday, and today to work on this.); "Olivia's Brother" - "After the Show" word journal due Wednesday (*Students had class time today and will have time tomorrow to work on this.)
  • Religion: Gratitude journal 
  • *Many students are running low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school tomorrow.
  • The Dankelsons rescheduled for this Wednesday, November 29.  If you'd like to order a copy of Peter's book, How I Learned to Rock My Life, please bring your order form and money in by Wednesday.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.

Week at a Glance: November 27-December 1

Week of November 27 (*Some objectives are subject to change based on students’ needs.)


  • Make text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections for the various characters in Wonder
  • Guest speakers: Learn about Peter Dankelson’s encouraging story from Peter and Dede Dankelson’s classroom presentation on Wednesday (rescheduled from Tuesday, November 21)
  • Show comprehension  of “The Call” - “The Boyfriend” by creating accurate mini-projects
  • Create word journal for the vocabulary words from “Olivia’s Brother” - “After the Show”
  • Accurately complete a vocabulary by association table for “Olivia’s Brother” – “After the Show” by making connections between the vocabulary words for these chapters and the characters in the book
  • Show understanding of the events in “Olivia’s Brother” - “After the Show” with good class discussion

Language Arts: 

  • Continue practicing Daily Oral Language (DOL) skills
  • Complete the weekly grammar spiral review worksheet (due Friday)
  • Continue writing class practice narrative
  • Show comprehension of Week 11 spelling words (words with Latin roots)


  • Tell how Jesus Christ is described in the Christ hymn from the Colossians
  • Explain how the Spirit guides the Church in carrying out Jesus’s mission
  • Give examples of ways we are called to be signs of Jesus’s presence
  • Define actual grace, Incarnation, mystery, and sanctifying grace
  • Learn about the Jesse Tree and begin filling out daily entries in personal Jesse Tree booklets, which will be made in class
  • Miss Nelson will be teaching scripture during class on Friday and will be discussing the Mass readings for the weekend.

Tuesday, November 21

  • L.A.: Storyworks questions due next Tuesday (*Students had class time yesterday and will have class time Monday to work on these.)
  • Reading: "The Call" - "The Boyfriend" mini-project due Tuesday, November 28 (*Students had class time yesterday and today and will have class time Monday to work on this.)
  • Religion: Gratitude journal (*You do not need entries for Wednesday-Friday of this week.)
  • *Many students are running low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • No school Wednesday-Friday: Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school on Monday.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.

Monday, November 20

  • L.A.: Storyworks questions due Tuesday, November 28 (*Students had class time today and will have class time next Monday to work on these.)
  • Reading: "The Call" - "The Boyfriend" mini-project due Tuesday, November 28 (*Students had class time today and will have class time next Monday to work on this.)
  • Religion: Gratitude journal
  • *Many students are running low or are completely out of writing utensils, specifically pencils and red pens.  Please replenish these and any other supplies as soon as possible.  Thank you!
  • Charge your chromebook, and bring it to school tomorrow.
  • You need earbuds/headphones every day, so please have a set in school.