St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Tracy Lombardo » Home


Mrs. Lombardo has a bachelor’s degree in English with a concentration in Writing and Literature and a minor in Biology. She has been an SJCS staff member since 2014, most recently as the Director of Admissions. Mrs. Lombardo has been a parishioner of St. Joseph parish since 1999 and has been active in the school and parish community for over 20 years. She is a parent of three graduates of SJCS.


Week At A Glance 1/21-1/24

6th Grade
Genesis review 
Introduction to Exodus
Explore this week's Mass readings
7th Grade
Mass reflection exercise with a partner
Explore this week's Mass readings
8th Grade
Confirmation Retreat and Reconciliation on Tuesday
Explore this week's Mass readings

Week At A Glance 1/13-1/17

6th Grade
Continue to explore Genesis and the Old Testament
Explore this week's Mass readings
7th Grade
Explore the names of Jesus(chapter 7) and the Birth of Jesus(chapter 8)
Continue the study of the Gospel of Mark
Explore this week's Mass readings
8th Grade
Review introduction of Anointed in the Spirit Confirmation handbook
Explore grace, mortal and venial sins
Explore this week's Mass readings

Week At A Glance 1/7-1/10

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." — 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
6th Grade
Review Christmas and New Year's Venture magazine assignments 
Explore the Epiphany of Our Lord
Explore this week's Mass readings
7th Grade
Review Christmas and New Year's Visions magazine assignments
Explore the Epiphany of Our Lord
Explore this week's Mass readings
8th Grade
Review Christmas and New Year's Visions magazine assignments
Explore the Epiphany of Our Lord
Explore this week's Mass readings
Begin Confirmation program, Anointed in the Spirit
Save the Date: Teaching Masses Saturday, January 18th at 5:00pm and Sunday, January 19th at 9:00am.

Week at Glance 12/16-12/20

6th Grade
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Explore and write O Antiphons
Jesse Tree Ornaments
Explore this week's Mass readings
7th Grade
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Explore and write O Antiphons
Jesse Tree Ornaments
Explore this week's Mass readings
8th Grade
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Explore and write O Antiphons
Jesse Tree Ornaments
Explore this week's Mass readings
Isaiah 9:6: "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace".  Merry Christmas!

Week at a Glance 12/9-12/13

6th Grade
Advent Challenge
Explore Advent, its traditions and the Jesse Tree
Explore this week's Mass readings
7th Grade
Advent Challenge
Continue reading the Gospel of Mark
Explore Advent and its traditions
Explore Names of Jesus in the textbook
Explore this week's Mass readings
8th Grade
Advent Challenge
Finalize letters to the Bishop
Explore  Advent traditions and O Antiphons
Explore this week's Mass readings
8L Food Pantry on Wednesday

Week at a Glance 12/2-12/6

6th Grade
Saint Ignatian Advent Examen
Review King David and Ruth's choices in textbook
Explore books of the Old Testament 
Explore Advent and its traditions
Explore this week's Mass readings
7th Grade
Field trip permission slips due Monday
Saint Ignatian Advent Examen
Continue reading the Gospel of Mark
Explore Advent and its traditions
Explore this week's Mass readings
Shrine of Maximilian Kolbe/Marytown field trip
8th Grade
Field trip permission slips due Monday
Saint Ignatian Advent Examen
Explore Advent and its traditions
Explore this week's Mass readings
Shrine of Maximilian Kolbe/Marytown field trip

Week at a Glance 11/25-11/26

6th Grade
Explore Exodus, David/King of Israel and Ruth
Explore next week's Mass readings
Thanksgiving Service Project: cards for patients at Shirley Ryan Rehabilitation Center
7th Grade
Field trip permission slips due
Explore the Gospel of Mark
Explore next week's Mass readings
Thanksgiving Service Project: cards for patients at Shirley Ryan Rehabilitation Center
8th Grade
Field trip permission slips due
Explore Purgatory and the Catholic Church
Explore next week's Mass readings
Thanksgiving Service Project: cards for patients at Shirley Ryan Rehabilitation Center

Week At A Glance 11/18-11/22

6th Grade
Explore the Book of Exodus, David/King of Israel and Ruth
Explore next week's Mass readings
7th Grade
Explore the Gospel of Mark
Explore next week's Mass readings
8th Grade
Explore the Church's Mission and Evangelization
Explore next week's Mass readings

Week At A Glance 11/11-11/15

6th Grade
Veterans Day activities
Describe the four Evangelists and the meaning of their symbols
Explore next week’s Mass Readings.
7th Grade 
Veterans Day activities
Examine paths of Discipleship
Gospel of Mark
Explore next week’s Mass Readings.
8th Grade 
Veterans Day activities
The Church in the Early Middle Ages and Evangelical Councils
Explore next week’s Mass Readings.
8H will volunteer at the Food Pantry

Week At A Glance 11/4-11/8

6th Grade
Saints presentations and All Saints Day activities
Ten Commandments
Be able to explain God’s covenant with us.
Explore next week’s Mass Readings
7th Grade 
Saints activities
Explore the Names of Jesus
Vocations in our faith presentation Wednesday
Explore next week’s Mass Readings.
8th Grade  
Explore the life of Saint Gregory
Vocations in our faith presentation Wednesday
Explore next week’s Mass Readings.
7th & 8th Grade - The next meeting for St Joe’s Youth Group is Sunday, Nov 10th, 6-8- it's Mystery Night!


Week At A Glance 10/28-11/1

6th Grade
Describe how God showed he wanted faith and obedience from his people.
Explain God’s covenant with his chosen people.
Bible Knowledge
Explore next week’s Mass Readings.
7th Grade 
State that grace is a free gift from God.
Identify and describe Catholic Role Models.
Bible Knowledge
Explore next week’s Mass Readings.
8th Grade 
Explain the importance of the Sacraments of Initiation.
Identify the promises we make at Baptism.
Explore next week’s Mass Readings.
7th & 8th Grade - Sunday October 29th from 6-8pm is the Halloween Party for St Joe's Youth Group. 

Week at a Glance October 21-25


6th Grade
Church tour
Describe how God showed he wanted faith and obedience from his people.
Explain God’s covenant with his chosen people.
Bible activities-Old Testament
Explore next week’s Mass Readings.
7th Grade 
Parish Prayer Walk
The early life of Jesus
Explore next week’s Mass Readings.
8th Grade 
Saint presentations
Christian denominational comparisons with Father Martin
Explore next week’s Mass Readings
7th & 8th Grade - Sunday October 27th from 6-8pm is the Halloween Party for St Joe's Youth Group. Use the link for more info and to sign up:

Week at Glance October 7- 11

6th Grade
Learn about Our Lady of the Rosary Feast Day
Retell Old Testament Stories; Genesis to Jacob and Esau
Saint Therese Lisieux and Saint John Neumann
Explore next week's Gospel Readings
7th Grade
Learn about Our Lady of the Rosary Feast Day
Review Corporal Works of Mercy
Saint Therese of Lisieux and Saint John Neumann
Continue learning Jesus Reveals God to us
Eucharistic Miracles
Explore next week’s Gospel Reading
8th Grade
Learn about Our Lady of the Rosary Feast Day
Eucharistic Miracles 
Mary's Significance in The Church
Complete Saint Projects, which are due Wednesday Oct 16th
Explore next week's Gospel Readings

Week at a Glance Sept 23-27


6th Grade
Explore and practice Eucharistic Adoration
Review the story of sin entering the world through Adam and Eve
Review the story of Abraham and Sarah
Explore Gospel Readings
6R will prepare Morning Prayers for the school
7th Grade
Explain the significance of Jesus’ genealogy to Salvation History
Discuss ways that Jesus fulfills the Revelation of God
Explore the Gospel Readings.
Explore and practice Eucharistic Adoration
7A Morning Prayer
8th Grade
Describe how the early Christian martyrs witnessed to the Christian faith
Explore how the beginnings of the early Church
Explore the Gospel Readings
Explore and practice Eucharistic Adoration

Week At A Glance September 9-13

Week At A Glance Sept 11-15


6th Grade
Explain that we are saved by the gift of God the Fathers’ son, Jesus.
Explain that God creates the world and has great things in store for us.
Explore Sin and Salvation.
Bible Blessing preparation
7th Grade
Learn about John the Baptist.
Explain that the Gospels in the New Testament tell the story of Jesus’ life, Death and Resurrection and Ascension. 
Explore God’s word through Scripture.
7F will prepare Morning Prayers for the school.
8th Grade
Identify the decisions made by Church leaders at the Council of Jerusalem.
Understand that the gift of salvation requires action on our part. 
Explore the Martyrs and the Communion of Saints.
8H will help with the Food Pantry this week.