St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Missy Miller » Posts


Week at a Glance - October 1-5

Week at a Glance

October 1st – October 5th

Math Objectives: Chapter 3 Intro: Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9; Model and Count to 6; Count and Write to 6; Model and Count 7; Count and Write to 7

Science Objectives: Busy Spiders and Apples

Language Arts Objectives: Unit 1: Week 6: Initial sound /t/, /t/ spelled Tt; Handwriting letters Tt, write words with Tt

Reading Objectives: Unit 1: Week 6: High frequency words: a, to; Getting ready to read: Readers using a and to

Social Studies Objectives: Johnny Appleseed; How do we make decisions?; and Problem Solving

Religion Objectives: Celebrating Ordinary Time

Writing Objectives: Setting Development – Narrative Writing

The children enjoyed using their headphones with the iPads this week to learn some skills with new apps!

Week at a Glance - Sept. 24-28

Week at a Glance

September 24th – September 28th


Math Objectives: Compare by Counting Sets to 5; Chapter 2 Review ;Chapter 2 Test;

Science Objectives: Pumpkin Life Cycle

Language Arts Objectives: Unit 1: Week 5: Initial sound /m/, final sound /m/Initial sounds; Handwriting letters Mm, write words with Mm;


Reading Objectives: Unit 1: Week 5: High frequency words: a, to; Getting ready to read: Readers using a and to


Religion Objectives: God Promises a Savior

Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – Setting Development

The students enjoyed their dress down this week earned from the donations to the Spirit Run.  Thank you so much for all your support!  :)

Week at a Glance - September 17-21

Week at a Glance

September 17th – September 21st


Math Objectives: Compare numbers to 5, Chapter 2 Intro;  Same number;  Greater than; Less than; Problem Solving: Compare by Matching Sets to 5

 Science Objectives: Science Spin – Squirrel Scientists

Language Arts Objectives: Unit 1: Week 4: Letter Recognition Tt, Uu, Vv Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz; Initial sounds; Handwriting letters Tt, Uu, Vv

Reading Objectives: Unit 1: Week 4: High frequency words: the, little; Getting ready to read: Readers using the and little

Social Studies Objectives: What rules do we follow?;  Who are our leaders?

Religion Objectives: Adam and Eve Make a Choice

Writing Objectives: Character Development – Narrative Writing

Our classes enjoyed attending the Rosary Balloon Launch and Spirit Run on Friday.  Kindergarten students are enjoying learning about apples.

Week at a Glance - September 10-14

September 10th – September 14th


Math Objectives: Problem Solving: Understand 0;  Identify and write zero; Chapter 1 review and test

Science Objectives: Weather; Seasons 

Language Arts Objectives: Unit 1: Week 3: Letter Recognition Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss; Initial sounds, syllables; Handwriting letters Oo, Pp

Reading Objectives: Unit 1: Week 3: High frequency words: the, little; Getting ready to read: Readers using the and little

Social Studies Objectives: What Makes a Good Citizen?;  What are rights?  What are responsibilities?

Religion Objectives: God Creates People

Writing Objectives: Character Development – Narrative Writing


 We are enjoying our classes very much and looking forward to an exciting year of learning and fun. 

Week at a Glance - September 4-8, 2018

Math Objectives: Model and Count to 5; Count and Write to 5; Algebra: Ways to Make 5; Count and Order to 5

Science Objectives: Weather

Language Arts Objectives: Unit 1: Week 2: Letter Recognition Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn; Identify syllables, words and rhymes; Handwriting letters Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii

Reading Objectives: Unit 1: Week 2: High frequency words I, am; Getting ready to read: Readers using I and am

Social Studies Objectives:  Learning about ourselves and our school community

Religion Objectives: God Creates the World

We have had a wonderful and fun first full week of Kindergarten. The students are doing a great job adjusting to our schedules and routines.


Week at a Glance - August 27-31, 2018

Math Objectives: Chapter 1 Intro: Represent, count, and write numbers 0 to 5; Model and count 1-4; Count and write 1-4;

Science Objectives: Weather

Language Arts Objectives: Unit 1: Week 1: Letter Recognition Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee; Identifying Rhyming Words; Handwriting letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee

Reading Objectives: Unit 1: Week 1: High frequency words I, am; Getting ready to read: Readers using I and am

Social Studies Objectives:  Learning about our school community

Religion Objectives: Sign of the cross; The Guardian Angel Prayer

We are adjusting to our fun day of learning in Kindergarten. We are looking forward to a wonderful school year ahead.  

Special Classes:

    Monday - Media, Art

    Tuesday - STEAM, PE

    Wednesday - Library

    Thursday - PE

    Friday - Music

Week of August 20!

Dear Parent,
Welcome to Kindergarten!  I look forward to meeting you all this week on Monday during Supply Drop Off Day.  Our week will be filled with getting to know one another and having FUN! 
Our first day of school is Tuesday, August 21, which is also picture day. Students will come dressed in their new SJCS uniform. Please pack a lunch for your child, and dismissal is at 12:30 on this day. Remember, we do not have bus service or EDP on the first day.
On the first day of school, many kindergarten parents like to come a minute or two early to snap a picture outside in front of the St. Joseph School sign.  Please take advantage of this idea if you have time.  
Next week, I will start my Week at a Glance which will inform you of our major learning objectives for the week. This is going to be a fun year full of growth!

Week at a Glance

May 21st – May 25th


Math Objectives: Math Simple Solutions 


Science Objectives: Summer


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 6: Week 5: Initial, Medial, and Final Sounds


Reading Objectives: Unit 6: Week 5: High frequency words review; Getting ready to read: Readers review


Social Studies: How do we celebrate culture?


Writing Objectives: Writing Review


Religion Objectives: God Calls Us to Help


On Friday May, 25 children should arrive at school for the usual 7:30 start, wearing their Sunday best Graduation attire. Graduation will begin at 10:00am in the Koenig center. All are welcome. Following Graduation there will be a reception to celebrate.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

May 14th – May 18th


Math Objectives: Getting Ready for First Grade: Checkpoint; Numbers On a Clock; Use an Analog Clock; Use a Digital Clock


Science Objectives: Weather Hazards  


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 6: Week 4: Initial and Medial /u/; Medial long o; /u/ spelled Uu


Reading Objectives: Unit 6: Week 4: High frequency words review; Getting ready to read: Readers review


Social Studies: What is culture?


Religion Objectives: Pentecost


Writing: What is an opinion? What do we like best, school or vacation?


We hope you all had a beautiful Mother’s Day!

week at a glance

Week at a Glance

May 7th – May 11th


Math Objectives: Getting Ready for First Grade: How Many Ones? Read and Write Numbers 20 to 30, Read and Write Numbers 30 to 40, Read and Write Numbers 40 to 50


Science Objectives: Weather Conditions


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 6: Week 3: Initial and Medial /e/; /e/ spelled Ee; Short Vowels and Consonants


Reading Objectives: Unit 6: Week 3: High frequency words review; Getting ready to read: Readers review


Social Studies: How are people and families alike and different?


Religion Objectives: God Calls Us to Forgive


Writing: What is an opinion? What do we like best, cat or dog?


The Kindergartners have worked very hard this year and have learned so much!  We will end our year with a special Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony on Friday, May 25, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the Koenig Center.

Week at a Glance

April 30th – May 4th


Math Objectives: Getting Ready for First Grade: Related Subtraction Equations, Related Addition and Subtraction Equations, Subtract to Compare, Checkpoint


Science Objectives: Weather Conditions


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 6: Week 2: Initial and Medial /o/; Initial /a/ and /i/;


Reading Objectives: Unit 6: Week 2: High frequency words review; Getting ready to read: Readers review


Social Studies: How do we use Earth’s resources?


Religion Objectives: God Calls us to Love our Family


Writing: What is an opinion? What do we like best, ball or bike? What do we like best, math or reading?


May Crowning will be on Tuesday at 9:30. May food pantry collection will be on Thursday, May 3rd.

week at a glance

Week at a Glance

April 23rd – April 27th


Math Objectives: Getting Ready for First Grade: Subtract One, Subtract Two, Subtract on a Ten Frame, Algebra: Missing Part


Science Objectives: Weather Conditions


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 6: Week 1: Initial and Final /a/ and /i/; Medial /a/ and/i/; Initial /y/ and /kw/


Reading Objectives: Unit 6: Week 1: High frequency words review; Getting ready to read: Readers review


Social Studies:  What are the Seasons?


Religion Objectives: God Calls Us to Make Good Choices


Writing: Explanatory – What is an opinion? What do we like best, cake or ice cream?


Thank you to Mrs. Erkert for a wonderful presentation on dental health. We appreciate the great information, fun brushing and flossing activity and goodie bag.

week at a glance

Week at a Glance

April 16th – April 20th


Math Objectives: Getting Ready for First Grade: Part-Part-Whole, Equal Sets, Checkpoint, and Related Addition Equations


Science Objectives: Weather Conditions


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 5: Week 6: Initial /y/ and /kw/; /y/ spelled Yy; /kw/ spelled Qu; Initial /v/ and /z/ 


Reading Objectives: Unit 5: Week 6: High frequency words: where and come; Getting ready to read: Readers using where and come


Social Studies: What is weather like?


Religion Objectives: Easter


Writing: Persuasive – What is an opinion? What do we like best, waterpark or beach?


We enjoyed attending the Variety Show. Well done to all who participated.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

April 9th – April 13th


Math Objectives: Chapter 12 Test; Getting Ready for First Grade: Add One, Add Two, Add on a Ten Frame


Science Objectives: Speed and Direction


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 5: Week 5: Initial and Final /v/ and /z/; Initial and Medial/u/; /v/ spelled Vv; /z/ spelled Zz;


Reading Objectives: Unit 5: Week 5: High frequency words: where and come; Getting ready to read: Readers using where and come


Social Studies: What do globes show?


Religion Objectives: Easter


Writing: Argumentative – What is an opinion? What do we like best, winter or summer?


Next week will be Spirit Week. Please refer to the school website regarding spirit week dress code. The variety show will be on Friday.

Week at a Glance

March 19th – March 23rd


Math Objectives: Chapter 11 Review; Chapter11 Test; Chapter 12 Introduction: Classify and Sort Data; Algebra: Classify and Count by Color; Algebra: Classify and Count by Shape


Science Objectives: Pushes and Pulls


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 5: Week 3: Initial and Medial /u/; Final /ks/; /u/ spelled Uu; /ks/ spelled Xx


Reading Objectives: Unit 5: Week 3: High frequency words: what, said, and was; Getting ready to read: Readers using what, said, and was


Social Studies: What are landforms?


Religion Objectives: Lent; Easter


Writing Objectives: Explanatory Writing: Animal Facts


We had a great field trip to Ryerson Woods. The students enjoyed learning how maple syrup is made. Thank you to our chaperones for your help.