Remote Learning: Thursday, May 28, 2020


Zoom meeting with your teachers today.  

Mrs. Eck’s class is at 12:30PM

Ms. Hach’s class is at 1:00PM

Math: Log in to your iReady account and work on your Math activities for 20 minutes 

Reading: Log in to your iReady account and work on your Reading activities for 20 minutes.  

Reading workbook pages: 457-458

On page 458-Write a sentence or two describing your house.  Make sure to start your sentences with a capital letter and end with punctuation.  Draw a picture of your house.      

Please take a picture of your Reading WB pages and post them to Seesaw

Mrs. Metzger’s read aloud here:

Writing: Write a few sentences describing what you like to do with your Dad.  Use your pictures from Monday to help write your sentences.  Check for capital letters to start sentences, lowercase letters for the rest, finger spaces between words, and punctuation at the end of sentences.

Religion: Religion WB Session 24: God calls us to Help pages 143-144 Point under each word as you read, highlight your sight words, and color the frame.  Pray the prayer service on page 144 with a family member.

Social Studies: Finish Social Studies WB Chapter 5: Lesson 10: How has technology changed? pages 127-130.  Read and highlight your sight words.  Draw lines from things used in the past to things we use today.  Draw one way people traveled long ago.  Then draw one way we travel today.

PE: Go outside and enjoy this beautiful weather. Let your skin absorb some sunlight and try to go for a walk. As you are outside find 3 things that look different then when it is winter time. Share these with your family. If you didn’t get to yesterday, complete an activity from the wellness wednesday chart.