St. Joseph Catholic School

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Volunteer Now!

Click here to Volunteer Now!

One of the things that makes our school great is the spirit of volunteerism among our parents.  When you give an hour of your time, you make the school a richer place for your children and their classmates.  You also get to see your children "in action" and learn more about how they spend their day.

When you volunteer, you also build relationships with the other parents. This is important for creating a vibrant, supportive community.  Plus, helping out with a dance or a social event is just plain fun!

Please see our Volunteer Opportunities on Membership Toolkit for descriptions of the dozens of ways you can become involved. Whether you are available during the school day, or just on the weekends, there is a spot available for you!

Requirements for Volunteering at the School

All volunteers within the Archdiocese of Chicago are required to complete the following four requirements prior to working at the school.  

    1. Virtus Training & Background Check through Virtus (register online)
    2. Standards of Behavior 
    3. CANTS form (DCFS form)-required annually
    4. Mandated Reporter
    5. Acknowledgement of Mandated Reporter Status

VIRTUS Training is an online training session that all school volunteers are required to attend. Virtus sessions, also referred to as “Protecting God’s Children” are informational meetings created to bring a level of awareness regarding child safety. For more information and to register for Virtus training, please click here.

In addition to registering for a VIRTUS session and completing the online background check through Virtus, please complete the required forms below and return them to school.