Week at a Glance 12-04-23

Math: This week we will continue learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We will review vocabulary words- faces, edges, and vertices as applied to geometrical shapes. This week students will learn how to divide a shape into equal parts (halves, thirds and fourths). This chapter wraps up with finding the area of a 2D shape by counting unit squares. The Chapter 12 test will be next Tuesday 12/12. There will be a review guide in your child's folder.
Phonics: (Fundations) This week we will move on to open syllables and using /y/ as a vowel to create the long /i/ sound instead of the long /e/ sound as in cry. The will learn to add the suffixes -ly and -ty.
Reading: (Wit and Wisdom) This week's focus is on continuing to learn the impact American Indians and Early American settlers had on the prairie in our early history. The students will write informational paragraphs using a topic sentence, sentences with detailed evidence and a conclusion statement. Emphasis will be on using vocabulary terms from our literature to build this paragraph. For grammar practice, students will work on creating common irregular plural nouns. (children for example)
Religion: This week we begin our Advent season and begin our journey in preparing our hearts for the coming of Jesus. We will use an Advent wreath in the room and color the flame on our crafted Advent wreath each week. The class has a Nativity on display as well. Session 12 in the Finding God book is all about Reconciliation. In preparation for First Reconciliation we begin to focus on the prayers and processes to be ready for this special sacrament. The students will be introduced to the Act of Contrition, and begin practicing this prayer. We will also learn steps in how to make a good confession. When your student brings home the copy of the Act of Contrition prayer please use this to help them continue to practice at home so he/she is comfortable when they receive this special sacrament in February.
Science: Students will continue learning about erosion and methods to prohibit this. Our Wit and Wisdom book: The Buffalo are Back ties this concept together nicely for students by reading about the ways early settlers farmed the land to prevent erosion as well. They will explain why landslides happen and work together to form models to prevent erosion when that occurs. 
  • No tests this upcoming week

  • Math - Chapter 12 Test = Tuesday, 12/12

  • Please join us in praying for Mrs. Applegate and her family as they bring home their new bundle of joy, baby Jackson.

  • It is our expectation that students are doing 15-30 minutes of homework each night (Math pg. and 10-15 min. of reading/with a parent). Math facts flashcards are strongly encouraged for the rote memorization of these basics to ensure current and future success in Math.                                   
  • Please try to attend Mass over the weekend. We will start the liturgical season of Advent. We have talked a lot in class about making room in our hearts for Jesus during the Advent season, and attending Mass is a beautiful opportunity to do that.

    • Second grade CCF and school families are hosting the 9am Mass on Sunday. If you want to attend that Mass, you will probably see lots of school families!

  • No All School Mass on Tuesday

  • All School Mass → Please join us Friday, 12/8, at 8:30 am to celebrate the Immaculate Conception (a holy day of obligation)

  • Please check your child's Kiddos hot lunch orders to make sure your child has a lunch each day. We talked about making healthy choices about snacks to get them through their morning with good success. Please no chips or sweets for snack time! Thank you! 

  • Please send your child with a coat and proper outerwear for outdoor recess in the colder temperatures. If you send your child to school in boots, please send additional shoes for your child to wear during the day.

  • Food Pantry Collection = Thursday, December 14th → 2nd grade should bring cereal. Please be generous as we approach the Christmas holidays, and please keep those who visit the Food Pantry in your prayers.

Upcoming Tests: