Week at a Glance 8/30/21-9/3/21


Math: This week, we will begin unit 2 in our Math books. We will focus on place value and practice exchanging tens for hundreds and comparing 3-digit numbers. At the beginning of each lesson, we will engage in discussions to develop number sense. We will also practice addition facts daily, to build our fact fluency which is the foundation for many of the math skills we will focus on this year. 

Science: We will switch between Science and Social Studies units, so there is no Science this week.

Language Arts: We will practice using uppercase letters at the beginning of our sentences and punctuation at the end of our sentences. We will also spend some time reviewing suffixes -ed and -ing and discuss how they affect the meaning of words in our writing. During Writing time, we will spend some time reviewing the types of sentences (declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory) as well as reviewing the three main writing genres (Narrative, Informational, and Opinion Writing.)

Reading: Students will work to decode and encode words with vowel teams and Magic E words. We will have our first Spelling test on Friday as we finish up our “Goodbye Summer” unit. In addition, they will discuss short fiction and nonfiction texts from their Superkids readers. Students will use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Social Studies: We will begin Chapter 1 of our My World textbooks. This unit discusses changes in history between long ago and today. We will also identify how families and communities work together.

Religion: We will begin Session 1 of our Finding God books. We will remind ourselves that God loves us. Students will also describe how Jesus is God’s gift to us. We will reflect on our blessings, and discuss the story of Creation.



  • Spelling test → Friday (list to go home on Monday)



  • Clever Badges → Your child should have brought home an envelope with their Clever badge this weekend. We have one to use at school, but one was sent home as an extra to keep for if/when your child may need to log on to their accounts and complete home assignments. Please help your child keep this in a safe place.

  • Please continue to send your child with a healthy nut-free snack, a water bottle, a lunch, and an extra mask each day.

  • Scholastic Book Orders → Due September 2nd. This is optional, but if you would like to order, please follow the directions on the flyer by visiting this website (https://clubs.scholastic.com/home) and entering our class code (WWFX7) to connect with our class. 

  • Gym class →  Monday and Tuesday - Students should wear their Gym uniforms on these two days.

  • Mass →  Tuesday, August 31st - We will be in person this week. All are welcome to join our school and parish community at 8:30 am in the church or via the Livestream. 

  • Students will start their i-Ready diagnostics for Reading and Math this week. Please help make sure your child comes to school well-rested and that s/he has a good breakfast to help him/her focus. The students do not need to prepare for these tests. They are not for a grade, but they should always try their best. 

  • Monday, September 6th →  Labor Day (No School)