Week At A Glance

Math: This week in class we will finish Chapter 1 in our GoMath textbooks. The last two lessons involve counting sequences to 100 and 1000 using 1s, 5s, and 10s. On Wednesday, we will review for the test, and students will take the test on Thursday. Friday will be used to review and extend the Chapter 1 Concepts. 

Reading: We will read a nonfiction text this week called Exploring Space with an Astronaut. We will be focusing on finding the main idea and details of non-ficiton texts. Our spelling list will have VCE words (vowel-consonant-e or “bossy e”) words with long vowels. We will continue to add more Amazing Words to our vocabulary and practice High-Frequency Sight words.

Language Arts: We will continue working on identifying and writing complete sentences using subjects and predicates. We will introduce Mentor Sentences (exciting sentences from the books we read) to include more opportunities for grammar practice. During this daily activity, we will make observations about the sentence to identify key grammar components. We will revise and edit the sentence. Then, we will practice using similar sentence structures in our own writing. In writing we will begin focusing on describing details about the setting to write Narratives.

Religion: This week, we will focus on describing God as our Father. We will identify two different types of prayer (praise and petition). We will practice reciting the “Our Father” prayer and discuss the meaning of this prayer. 

Social Studies: We will continue with chapter 1, and focus on different types of communities and families. We will explore how people work and learn together. We will focus on the vocabulary: family, community, respect, and responsible.

Science: We will continue lessons on animal characteristics and animal identification through an activity in biodiversity in which students practice identifying frogs based on their sounds. 

Tests and Quizzes:

  • Thursday, Sept. 17 → Math Test
  • Friday, Sept. 18 → Spelling Test


  • Mass services through St. Joes are available either in-person or virtually
  • Tuesday, September 15th, 8:30 am = All-School Live Stream Mass → We will gather virtually as a school community to worship together. 
  • Please help make sure your child completes his/her Reading Log daily.
  • Towels were sent home today as we have used them outside during Snack Time. 
  • For Snack Time → Snacks should be healthy, easy to open, and easy to eat.
  • Please empty your child’s Take Home folder (aside from the reading log) and send it back with him/her on Monday.
  • Please remember to send your child with a new brown paper bag on Monday (This will be their “mask bag” that they use to hold their mask while they are eating and during gym).