Week at a Glance


  • To practice letter- keyword- sound for consonants: g, d, s, r, p, j
  • To practice letter- keyword- sound for vowels: a, e
  • To practice correct letter formation
  • To practice sound recognition 
  • To match letter tiles to the letter squares in alphabetical order
  • To generate and answer questions about Tomas and the Library Lady, using key details from the text
  • To identify and generate common nouns
  • To retell Tomas and the Library Lady, including key details about characters, setting, problem and resolution
  • To ask and answer questions about key vocabulary
  • To identify and generate proper nouns
  • To write a narrative retelling of Tomas and the Library Lady that shows how library books change life for Tomas


  • To count and connect with objects and numbers
  • To practice one-to-one counting with small objects
  • To build number sense with number of the day


  • In this Read-Along lesson, Jada explores why her shadow changes over the course of a day at the beach. The lesson includes a short exercise where students act out the movement of shadows with their bodies. Students will trace their shadows using colored chalk and track the shadow’s changes throughout the day.


  • To identify things that God creates
  • To tell that God created everything out of love for us
  • To explain that we show our thanks and love to God by caring for his creation
  • To define or explain Amen, creation, Creator, God, and saint