Week of 9/16

6th Grade: This week, the 6th-grade students will begin their study of early hominin groups. They will learn about three critical early human species: Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Homo neanderthalensis, discussing the characteristics and significance of each. Students will also cover early Homo sapiens as part of this unit. This week's study and last week's material will prepare students for their first social studies quiz on 9/24. They will receive their study guide on 9/20, have access to the review game on the same day, play the review game in class on 9/23, and take the quiz on 9/24.
7th Grade: This week, the 7th-grade students will continue their study of the 13 colonies, focusing on comparing and contrasting the establishment of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. They will analyze how various factors influenced the social and cultural development of each region. Students will also design a visually appealing brochure aimed at a 17th-century British audience, encouraging them to move to the colonies. Lastly, as we explore colonial life, students will learn about the Salem Witch Trials to better understand how fear, superstition, and authority shaped historical events.
8th Grade: This week, the 8th-grade students will continue exploring how Manifest Destiny shaped the United States as the nation expanded throughout the 19th century. We’ll examine key historical events and factors that contributed to the acquisition of Florida, the establishment of the 49th parallel, the annexation of Texas, Oregon Country, and the Mexican-American War. In addition, students will engage in an Oregon Trail "choose your own adventure" game in order to reflect on the experiences and challenges of westward travel and imagine what it might have felt like to journey during that era.