Week of 2/12

3rd-5th Grade: 

This week the students will be learning about El Dia de San Valentin. Students will learn the sentiment “I Love You.”and identify family members.

Performance Targets:

Comprehend and use the phrase “Te quiero”

Identify different family members

Book:Te quiero noche y dia by Alison Brown

5th Grade will also be finishing up their family tree

6th- Grade 

Will continue with Capítulo 2A - Que te gusta Más?


  • Students will write about their subjects in school and get a chance to write about them using adjectives from the chapter.
  • They will have a mini conversation using the topics of their subjects and what their classes are like in Spanish

7-8th Grade:

Will begin to learn la Gramatica for Capitulo 2A - Subject Pronouns

Yo, tu, usted, el, ella, nosotros, nosotras, vosotros, vosotras, ustedes, ellos y ellas.


  • To identify, talk to and write about different people.
  • They will listen to descriptions of activities during recess.