Week of 2/5

2/8 Parent Teacher Conferences - Dress Down

2/9 No School Friday

3rd Grade: (will conitinue) This week we will wrap up on Las estaciones (seasons), Los Meses and ¿Qué tiempo hace? (weather). We will continue working on this subject and complete our packets and prepare for an in-class speaking presentation Que Tiempo es? Students will choose a season to draw (Dibujo del tiempo) and they will prepare to write about which season they chose and talk about the weather along with details in Spanish.

Performance Targets:

  • Students can identify the months in Spanish. 
  • Students can comprehend the question, “¿Cuál es el mes?” 
  • Students can answer the question using the phrase, “Es ____
  • Students can identify the four seasons in Spanish. 
  • Students can comprehend the question, “¿Cuál es la estación?” 

4th - 5th Grade We will begin to learn about Mi Familia (My Family).

Performance Target - 

  • Students will identify different family members.
  • STudents will answer the question  “Quien es?”
  • Students answer the question using the phrase, “Es mamá/papá/hermano/hermana/abuelo/abuela/tío/tía/primo/prima.”

6th- 8th Grade:

Students will continue with Capitulo 2A Tu dia en la clases. Students have learned new vocabulary words for this chapter. They will review La Tarea and what each class is like according to their schedule(El horario).

  • Identify and compare “las clases en la escuela.”
  • Learn to have conversations regarding Que clases they take and what they need for each clase en Espanol. Español,  Matemáticas, Educación física, Música, Ingles.
  • Review de la Cultura en España.