Week of 11/13


3rd - 4th Grade:

Learning objective for this week:

Students count to 10 and provide info about how many are of a given number of objects.

Performance Targets:

Students identify the numbers 1-10 in Spanish

Students comprehend the question “Cuantos Hay”?

Students answer the questions using the phrase. “Hay____?

  • 3rd grade has begun to learn numeros 1-10
  • 4th Grade-wrapped up their beautiful Calaveras from Dia de Los Muertos. Please ask students to show you their beautiful creations.
  • 4th Grade will begin to learn los numeros from 1-10 this week.

5th Grade: 

Students already know their days of the week in Espanol, they will now begin to learn about the Months and Seasons in Spanish.

Learning Target: Students tell what month it is and tell what season it is.

Performance Targets:

  • Students identify the months in Spanish. 
  • Students will comprehend the question, “¿Cuál es el mes?” 
  • Students answer the question using the phrase, “Es ____
  • Students identify the four seasons in Spanish. 
  • Students will comprehend the question, “¿Cuál es la estación?” 
  • Students answer the question using the phrase, “Es el/la ____.” 

6th- 7th Grade:

Students will continue Capitulo 1.Objectives for the week:

  • Listen to and read about activities people like to do and don’t like to do. Students will read and answer in their work book.
  • Identify what you and others like and don’t like to do.
  • Describe your favorite activities in Spanish and ask other classmates about theirs.

8th Grade:

Learning Objectives:

  1. Listen to descriptions of what someone likes to do and doesn’t like to do.
  2. Identify Infinitives, Cognates and Negatives.
  3. Describe dances and music from the Spanish speaking world and compare them to dances they know.
  4. Compare favorite activities from Spanish-speaking teens to those of teens from the United States.