Dear parents,

Good afternoon parents!
I wanted to come on here and talk to you all as I can not talk to you all individually.
This is my first year being a teacher, I just graduated back in May. I am new to teaching and grading. All of these things are new to me and I am learning to be a good teacher who can successfully teach your child to read, comprehend, understand, speak and write Spanish. I had many concerns over students grades but what you all might not know is that I grade manually then put in all the grades into the computer. When I put in a zero it just means it was missing, I also put that in there as a reminder to get the students attention so that they can turn it in to me, because I do not want it to surprise to anyone at all if they have an A or a B in my class and all of a sudden in their report card it drops down because it was never turned in. I have also learned to put missing so that you understand why the grade is a zero in Powerschool. I try my best every class to make sure children understand and are comprehending Spanish. I encourage all parents to remind your child that questions are very welcome in my class. In regards to tests, I believe they are a good way to see where students are and what they understand and what we need to work on. I allowed retakes because I also wanted students to know that my class matters just as much as any other class and that studying for my class is just as important. I also realized that there are different ways we could study/ review and I am trying my best to make sure all students are prepared and better equipped with more understand and knowledge for Spanish, whether that be for in-class activities, homework or tests.
I will be posting more on my website so that we can engage more and ensure your child is practicing and taking proper notes in class so that we can receive a better outcome in tests for the future.
Please understand that I teach 3rd-8th grade, if your child has missing work but it is completed, just know I asked everyone at least two times to show me their work but it is difficult to repeatedly ask students more than that because I have limited time with them and after I take most of the time teaching, while I am grading we sometimes run out of time and I cannot get to everyone. 
Thank you for taking the time to read what I have to say and I hope you can understand me now. Your concerns and reminders are also welcome and I try my best to address any issues as soon as I can and improve from the feedback I receive.
I hope you all have a wonderful day! Please feel free to contact me via email for any other concerns. Take care.
Miss Gutiérrez