St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Kris Beyer » Posts


Plant Science: “How does a plant get water?”
Our discussions had us wondering how the plant absorbs water from the roots to all the way to the top of a plant! We used white carnations to show us how water moves around inside of a plant! Preschoolers made predictions about what may happen when the white carnations were placed in colored water! When we returned from the playground, we were amazed at how quickly we noticed results! The children observed the petals of the carnations turning colors! 🔍 🌿🪴
Preschool’s Beanstalk 🌱 
We measured it lying in the floor before “planting”it in our room! Ask your preschooler how many squares long it is!
Mary Causey stopped by to view the vegetables preschooler’s are growing for St. Joes Community Garden! These veggies are then donated to the parish Food Pantry! Thank you Mrs. Causey! We can’t wait to plant them in a few weeks!
Feeling the love today! I am overwhelmed by the flowers, cards, candies, and treats, and hugs! Thank you all for making this one so special! You are just amazing! 💕🌸☀️🌺
Preschool Plus explores the ocean this month! This week’s focus is the beach, and animals who live near the shirking! Even though we are far away from the sea, the children enjoyed listening to sounds of the ocean in the shells!
A day at the beach! Investigating the shoreline with sea sponges, coral, starfish, and seashells! 
“How Dow beach sand form?” Preschoolers loved learning how parrotfish help in making the white sand from tropical beaches! 😆🤣 I’ll leave it up to them to tell you how! 🐠
Today’s Jack & the Beanstalk read was this fun one by Paul Galdone ((who also wrote our faves of The Little Red Hen and 3Billy Goats Gruff). We loved the rhyming text of this one! Preschoolers commented that the Giant looked a lot like the Troll in 3 Billy Goats Gruff! 
Gina Words! During our week of all things Jack, we are discovering many words that mean BIG! Today we added “ginormous”, “gigantic”, and “colossal”! Awesome vocab, preschoolers!
Storytime STEAM: Gorilla Loves Vanilla 
Such a fun read that was the perfect introduction to our Ice Cream Cone Volcano experiments!