St. Joseph Catholic School

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Mrs. Missy Miller » Welcome to Kindergarten!

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Welcome to Mrs. Miller's Kindergarten!

This is my fourth year as a kindergarten teacher at St. Joe's.  As a parishioner and parent of three SJCS graduates, I love this community! 

I have Elementary and Special Education degrees from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Catholic education is important to me, as I am a proud product of Catholic Schools.

In my free time, I can be found on the soccer sidelines, behind a camera, or reading a book.



Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

March 12th – March 16th


Math Objectives: Compare Lengths; Compare Heights; Problem Solving: Direct Comparison; Compare Weights; Length, Height, and Weight


Science Objectives: Speed and Direction


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 5: Week 2: Final /ks/; Initial /j/ and /w/; /ks/ spelled Xx; /j/ spelled Jj; /w/ Spelled Ww


Reading Objectives: Unit 5: Week 2: High frequency words: yellow, blue, and green; Getting ready to read: Readers using yellow, blue and green


Social Studies: What do maps show?


Religion Objectives: Lent


Writing Objectives: Explanatory Writing: How to go to bed


We have our field trip to Ryerson Woods on March 16th. We are looking forward to learning about how Maple Syrup is made.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

                                                            March 5th – March 9th                  


Math Objectives: In Front Of and Behind; Chapter 10 Review; Chapter 10 Test; Chapter 11 Introduction: Measurement; Compare Lengths


Science Objectives: Speed and Direction


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 5: Week 1: Initial /j/; Initial /w/; Initial and Medial /e/; /j/ spelled Jj; /w/ spelled Ww; /e/ spelled Ee;


Reading Objectives: Unit 5: Week 1: High frequency words: yellow, blue, and green; Getting ready to read: Readers using yellow, blue and green


Social Studies: Where are the places located?


Religion Objectives: Lent


Writing Objectives: Explanatory Writing: How to read a book


Report cards were sent home Friday 3/2. Please sign and return your child’s report card envelope as soon possible. Thank you.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

February 26th – March 2nd


Math Objectives: Identify, Name, and Describe Cones; Problem Solving: Two and Three Dimensional Shapes; Model Shapes; Above and Below; Beside and Next To


Science Objectives: Pushes and Pulls


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 4: Week 6: Review Initial, Medial, and Final Sounds; Initial and Medial /e/; Initial and final /g/; /e/ spelled Ee; /g/ spelled Gg


Reading Objectives: Unit 4: Week 6: High frequency words: here, go, and from; Getting ready to read: Readers using here, go, and from


Social Studies:  Where do we live?


Religion Objectives: Lent


This week was the end of our second trimester. Students will be bringing home report cards on Friday, March 2nd.  We are happy to hear students and parents are enjoying Raz Kids. Thank you for being sure two books are being read weekly, and the homework assignment slip is turned in on Friday. Thanks!  

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

February 20th – February 23rd


Math Objectives: Three-Dimensional Shapes; Identify, Name, and Describe Spheres; Identify, Name, and Describe Cubes; Identify, Name, and Describe Cylinders


Science Objectives: Pushes and Pulls


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 4: Week 5: Initial and medial/e/; Initial and final /g/; /e/ spelled Ee; /g/ spelled Gg


Reading Objectives: Unit 4: Week 5: High frequency words: here, go, from; Getting ready to read: Readers using here, go, from


Social Studies: What are goods and services?


Religion Objectives: Lent


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – Story: Going out to dinner


As we continue with our Narrative Writing unit, the students continue to work very hard on their writing. We hope you enjoy their stories. Our first Raz Kids Homework Assignment Slip was due 2/16. Each week your child will receive a new slip in their folder and it will be due on Friday, or the last day of the school week. These leveled readers will be fun for your child! As always, we continue to do math IXL homework assignment slips.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

February 12th – February 16th


Math Objectives: Compare Two-Dimensional Shapes; Problem Solving: Draw to Join Shapes; Chapter 9 Review/Test; Chapter 9 Test; Chapter 10 Introduction: Identify and Describe Three-Dimensional Shapes


Science Objectives: Pushes and Pulls


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 4: Week 4: Initial and Final /g/; Consonant Blends; /g/ spelled Gg;


Reading Objectives: Unit 4: Week 4: High frequency words: one, two, three, four, five; Getting ready to read: Readers using one, two, three, four, five;


Social Studies: Why do we make choices?


Religion Objectives: Celebrating Lent and Holy Week


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – Story:  Recess



Our Valentine’s Day party is Tuesday, February 13th. Please bring Valentine’s on Wednesday, February 14th. We will be surprising our 6th grade buddies with Valentine’s that we made this week. Thank you to the parents who attended conferences.  We hope you and your child are enjoying using Raz Kids. Please remember to send in the book slip at the end of each week.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

February 5th – February 8th


Math Objectives: Identify and Name Rectangles; Describe Rectangles; Identify and Name Hexagons; Describe Hexagons


Science Objectives: Pushes and Pulls


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 4: Week 3: Consonants Blends with l, r, t, and p; Final Consonant Blends; Initial and Final /l/; /l/ spelled Ll


Reading Objectives: Unit 4: Week 3: High frequency words: one, two, three, four, five; Getting ready to read: Readers using one, two, three, four, five;


Social Studies: Why do we make choices?


Religion Objectives: Celebrating Lent and Holy Week


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – Story:  My Day at School


We have a 10 A.M. dismissal on Thursday and will conference with parents who have requested one.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

January 29th– February 2nd


Math Objectives: Describe Circles; Identify and Name Squares; Describe Squares; Identify and Name Triangles; Describe Triangles


Science Objectives: Pushes and Pulls

Language Arts Objectives: Unit 4: Week 2: Initial and Final/l/; Initial /h/; /l/ spelled Ll; /h/ spelled Hh


Reading Objectives: Unit 4: Week 2: High frequency words: are, that, and do; Getting ready to read: Readers using are, that, and do


Social Studies: What are jobs that people do?


Religion Objectives: Jesus shares a special meal


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – Story: Birthday Party


Thank you for coming to Open House this past Sunday. We hope you enjoyed looking around the classroom and seeing all of your child’s projects. They have been working hard academically and socially this school year. We will be celebrating Catholic School’s week with special events each day.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

January 22nd – January 26th


Math Objectives: Chapter 8 Review/ Test; Chapter 8 Test; School Fun; Chapter 9 Introduction: Identify and Describe Two-Dimensional Shapes; Identify and Name Circles


Science Objectives: Pushes and Pulls


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 4: Week 1: Initial /h/; Initial and medial /o/; /h/ spelled Hh; /o/ spelled Oo


Reading Objectives: Unit 4: Week 1: High frequency words: are, that, and do; Getting ready to read: Readers using are, that, and do


Social Studies: Collaboration and Creativity: Listening and Speaking


Religion Objectives: The Church Welcomes Us


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – Story: The Doctor’s office


The school is offering a book fair this week. The students will be able to browse the book selections. We are looking forward to celebrating our 100th day Monday, January 29th (if there are no snow days before then). We look forward to seeing you Sunday, January 28th after mass for our school open house.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

January 16th – January 19th


Math Objectives: Count to 50 by Ones; Count to 100 by ones; Count to 100 by 10s; Count by Tens


Science Objectives: Pushes and Pulls


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 3 Week 6: Review initial sounds; medial /o/; /o/ spelled Oo;


Reading Objectives: Unit 3 Week 6: High frequency words: they, you, and of; Getting ready to read: Readers using they, you, and of


Social Studies: How do we use money?


Religion Objectives: The Church Celebrates


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – Story: Learning how to swim


We hope you had a nice long weekend. The students will be starting to create narrative writing stories this week. The students are working hard on creating stories that contain a beginning, middle, and end. The students look forward to sharing their stories with you each week. The Daddy daughter dance is this Friday, we hope the girls have a wonderful time.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

January 8th – January 12th


Math Objectives: Chapter 8 Introduction: Represent, Count, and Write 20 and Beyond; Model and Count 20; Count and Write to 20; Count and Order to 20; Problem Solving: Compare Numbers to 20


Science Objectives: Habitats


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 3 Week 5: initial and medial /o/; initial and final /f/; /o/ spelled Oo; /f/ spelled Ff


Reading Objectives: Unit 3 Week 5: High frequency words: they, you, and of; Getting ready to read: Readers using they, you, and of


Social Studies: How do we get what we need or want?


Religion Objectives: Jesus calls us to pray


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – (detail)


We hope the children are readjusting to the early schedule after a nice vacation at home. January, February and March are very solid learning months in Kindergarten. The children are adjusted to the rules, routines, and expectations and are ready to use their prior knowledge for further learning in 2018. Please keep reading with your child daily, and use the work in the take home folder as a guide on what to work on with your student. Thank you for your continued support.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

December 18th – December 22nd


Math Objectives: Model and Count 18 and 19; Count and Write 18 and 19; Chapter 7 Review; Chapter 7 Test


Science Objectives: Habitats  


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 3 Week 4: initial and final /f/; initial and final /d/; initial and final /k/; /f/ spelled Ff; /d/ spelled Dd; /k/ spelled Kk;


Reading Objectives: Unit 3 Week 4: High frequency words: see and look; Getting ready to read: Readers using see and look


Social Studies: How do we get what we need or want?


Religion Objectives: Christmas


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – (detail)


Thanks to the parent helpers for the teachers luncheon and classroom party. We wish all the blessings of the Christmas season to you and your family. Have a happy and safe Holiday vacation.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

December 11th – December 15th


Math Objectives: Count and Write 13 and 14; Model, Count, and Write 15; Problem Solving: Use Numbers to 15; Model and Count 16 and 17; Count and Write 16 and 17


Science Objectives: Habitats


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 3 Week 3: initial /d/; initial /k/; /d/ spelled Dd; /k/ spelled Kk; /r/ spelled Rr; 


Reading Objectives: Unit 3 Week 3: High frequency words: see and look; Getting ready to read: Readers using see and look


Social Studies: What do we need? What do we want?


Religion Objectives: Celebrating Christmas


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – (detail)


We hope you are enjoying all the preparations for Christmas, including your child’s stories of St. Nicholas’ day, the Immaculate Conception mass, and the 6th grade reader’s theater presentation. We have our Christmas concert on Thursday evening.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

December 4th – December 8th


Math Objectives: Chapter 6 Test; Chapter 7 Introduction: Represent, Count and Write 11 to 19; Model and Count 11 and 12; Count and Write 11 and 12; Model and Count 13 and 14


Science Objectives: Habitats


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 3: Week 2: Initial /r/; Initial and final /b/ and /n/; /r/ spelled Rr; /b/ spelled Bb; /n/ spelled Nn


Reading Objectives: Unit 3: Week 2: High frequency words: me, with, she; Getting ready to read: Readers using me, with, and she


Social Studies: Everybody Works


Religion Objectives: Celebrating Advent


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – (detail)


Next week we will have our all school Mass on Thursday, December 7th at 8:30.  There will be no EDP on December 6th.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

November 27th – December 1st


Math Objectives: Algebra: Model and Draw Subtraction Problems; Algebra: Write More Subtraction Sentences; Algebra: Addition and Subtraction; Chapter 6 Review


Science Objectives: Habitats


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 3: Week 1: Initial /n/; Initial /b/; Final /n/ and /b/; Initial and Medial /i/


Reading Objectives: Unit 3: Week 1: High frequency words: me, with, she; Getting ready to read: Readers using me, with, and she


Social Studies: What are our country’s monuments?


Religion Objectives: Jesus Leads Us


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – (detail)


We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Second trimester sight words will be sent home this week, please practice these with your child. Thank you.

Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance

November 20th – November 21st


Math Objectives: Subtraction: Take Apart; Problem Solving: Act Out Subtraction Problems


Science Objectives: Animal Needs


Language Arts Objectives: Unit 2: Week 6 continued: Initial and medial /i/; Initial and final /k/; /i/ spelled Ii; Write Words with Ii; /k/ spelled Cc;


Reading Objectives: Unit 2: Week 6 continued: High frequency words: he, for; Getting ready to read: Readers using he and for


Social Studies: Thanksgiving


Religion Objectives: We Celebrate Thanksgiving


Writing Objectives: Narrative Writing – Specificity (texture)


Report cards were sent home Friday. They reflect the fact we are true beginners in Kindergarten. Thank you for your support, work at home, and cheering your child on as they learn throughout the year. Please sign and return the report card envelope on Monday.