How Much Sleep Do Students Need?

As we get back into the swing of school routines and activities, sleep is often something that gets overlooked. Adequate sleep contributes to a student's overall health and well-being. Student's who get the proper amount of ZZZ's have better focus, improved concentration and academic performance. 
Those who do not get a sufficient amount of sleep have a higher risk for many health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, poor mental health and injuries. Also, they are more likely to have attention and behavior problems, which can contribute to poor academic performance in school. 
To promote optimal health, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that children should get the following amounts of sleep on a regular basis:
  • Infants 4 months to 12 months old: 12 to 16 hours (including naps)
  • Children 1 to 2 years old: 11 to 14 hours (including naps)
  • Children 3 to 5 years old: 10 to 13 hours (including naps)
  • Children 6 to 12 years old: 9 to 12 hours
  • Teens 13 to 18 years old: 8 to 10 hours
What Parents Can Do
  • Model healthy habits and promote a bedtime and rise routine.
  • Dim lighting, (adolescents who are exposed to more light from (such as room lightening or from electronics) are less likely to get enough sleep. 
  • Implement a media curfew and ban all electronics from the bedroom 1-2 hours before bedtime.