Wednesday, January 8, 2025 Homework
Math - pgs 491 & 492 (Today, we started with PEMDAS (parenthesis, exponents, multiply, divide, addition, subtraction) ... order of operations. It was just a starting lesson, and the students did very well with it. We will expand and do more with these lessons as we go on. Please keep practicing multiplication flashcards at home, as we will do a lot of multiplication in the next few weeks.)
Science - None - Bubis Only (Today, we read about some physical structures in living things in our textbooks. The students also worked on textbook questions that went along with this topic. Question to ask... What is an exoskeleton? It is a hard skeleton on the outside of their bodies. My class did this yesterday.)
Social Studies - None (Today, I passed our What Was the Holocaust books and comprehension packets. The kids will learn about the Holocaust before they start reading their next novel in Reading, "A Night Divided." We read chapters 3, 4, and 5 today and answered questions. Talk to your child at home about what they learned today. )
- The food pantry collection is on Wednesday, January 15th, and the 5th graders have been given PASTA to donate. Please donate whatever you can, as it is much needed after the long break. Thank you so much!
- I offer office hours Monday - Thursday if your child needs me to reteach something in Math, Science, or Social Studies. Please email me for assistance, and we will meet via the Google Meet link.
If you are interested in helping out with our classroom needs:
If anyone would like to donate wish list items to our classroom, please use this Amazon link:
Thank you all so much in advance for your continued support. It truly makes a difference in our school community!