Week at a Glance December 5 – December 9, 2016
Religion Objectives:
God Made Light – Jesus is our light. The children will be grateful to God for the gift of life, identify Jesus as light and know that Jesus had the power to heal.
Seeds: 2nd Sunday of Advent. The children will understand that Jesus has a mother named Mary and father named Joseph.
The children will hear the story of the real Saint Nicholas. They will learn how he dedicated his life to serving God as a young man. Bishop Nicholas became known throughout the land for his generosity to those in need, his love for children, and his concern for sailors and ships.
Literacy Objectives:
OWL – Unit 3 – Unit 3 – Week 3 – What can we do in our community? Learn new concept words: gym, mall, movie theatre, supermarket and zoo. Learn amazing words: delicious, dough, stir, lovely, sip, and ingredient. Blend onset and rime, letter naming and saying sounds, similar and different, beginning sounds, and deleting syllables. Focus on our letter of the week Kk and identifying it in our environment. Assigning numbers to alphabet letters and letter formation with roll and match.
Math Objectives:
Naming cones, spheres, cubes and cylinders in our environment. Understanding the concept of “not”. Making boxes. Creating shapes using shapes. Making 3D shapes with marshmallows and toothpicks.
Social Studies:
My BIG World - Cold is Coming. Compare how different animals ready for winter. How do different animals adapt to cold weather changes?
We will use language to tell about an experience when we went shopping and become aware of what it means to be a consumer.
Science Objectives:
The magic of the season comes to our classroom as the children grow candy caneswith “magic” growing candy cane seeds.
Santa’s magic milk. We all know he loves a tall glass of milk with his cookies. Colors will swirl and glitter jumps in this exciting experiment!
Afternoon Enrichment:
Exploration of the Five Senses. We will learn about the five senses and apply this knowledge in creating ornaments for a Christmas tree to appeal to our senses.